So the pure joy of buying a home has been replaced by all the stress that comes with moving. I should have it down to an art at this point but it's NEVER fun. Packing, turning off and on the utilities, who will we get to help us move, unpacking, learning the area. Simply adjusting to a new home sucks. I'm not truly comfy in a new place for a month or so. I don't sleep well. I'll let ya'll in on a little secret: I watch to many ghost/haunting shows and so I'm always afraid the places we are moving into are haunted. Seriously! Although Terry, who oddly enough seems a little more "sensitive" to those kinds of things, says that he is completely comfortable in the house and that I should grow up. We'll see. I don't want a haunted house!!
Anyway back to moving. I am really happy about this whole process of owning our own home. I don't have any true roots. There's not one place I can call a home town. I've moved around so much in my life and my family is all over the place. Texas is my home state and I guess home is where your mommy & daddy are but still I crave roots! I want that for my kids. I want my kids to go to school with the same kids from Kindergarten to 12th grade. That's how it was for Terry. Lived in the same house his whole life till he shacked up with me & my nomadic ways. Had the same friends for 2 years old till he graduated. I went to 4 different schools. 2 different high schools. I often wonder if that's a reason I did so terribly in school? No matter.
I would however like to move one more time. I truly love the town we live in right now, Mukilteo WA. But we can't afford to own a house here. Hopefully in a few years (5 or 10) we will be able to. We'll see.
Well I'm going to go pack now. (boo hiss)
PS. if anyone wants to come visit us around the end of July, let me know! (hint hint)
How to Avoid a Photoshop Disaster
7 years ago
Blaming "no roots" on your childhood, which leads to blaming it on the mother, are you? I can never win with my children.
And, I will not let you get away with "the reason I did so terribly in school" was because we moved. You graduated, we saw to that. You didn't like school, but I think the reason was because you were bored, not because we moved.
I was thinking about coming to visit in July, but now, no. You have hurt my feelings.
I love you anyway.
hey! i want to come visit in july!!! me me me!! can i? i'll be flying into seattle on july 20th and staying till the 28th for my friends sarah and luis's wedding and i'd love to spend a day with you and ter and the four leggeds.
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