When Terry came home on Thursday night we had a nice long heart to heart about the house and our station in life. We decided that he would try one or two more things but if they didn't produce any results than we would not proceed with THIS house. After all we couldn't really afford it anyway.
So on Friday (after I had posted my blog) Ter calls the realtor, Gary, and gives him the bad news. Gary tells Ter "It's okay, this happens sometimes. If you want to keep looking we will" Great Guy! AND we wouldn't even lose or "Earnest" money. SWEET!!
Then around 5ish that afternoon we get a call from "Evil Loan Officer" who tells us that he'll talk to his manager and see what he can do about what has happened and that the loan that the first loan officer had set up was a really bad one anyway. I won't bore you with the details of it but it was very impractical for us and would end up hurting us in the long run money wise.
I've said it time & time again: Everything happens for a reason. EVERYTHING!!
Anyway, had we not been switched to "Evil Loan Officer" whom I'll now call Ben, we would have been screwed. We'd have moved in to that house only to find we couldn't afforded it! Needless to say our sadness has been replace by relief. Thanks Ben!
So on to the good news. Ben crunched some numbers and has made the loan possible for us. Payments we can afford. It looks like we may be back on track. However I will not get my hopes up this time. If we get it Awesome! If we don't it's just as well. There will be other houses.
How to Avoid a Photoshop Disaster
7 years ago
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