23 days till our CA Vaca! Just sayin...
So lets see, whats been going on? Well summer is right around the corner and Terry and I are spending more and more time outside which is nice. The weather is so mild here that it doesn't suck the life out of you. That to me was the worse part about VA the insane heat sometimes. And the humidity. I hate humidity. You would think that having grown up in Texas that I would be use to that.....NO!
ummm.....yeah sadly I'm only writing this blog tonight because it had been awhile and I thought I should update. Nothing exciting is going on. Works fine for both of us. We both feel fine. We are going to see my cousin Jeri in a week or so and my Aunt & Uncle will be there. I haven't seen them in a few years and it will be so nice to be around family.
What a lame blog entry. Sorry you had to sit through it.
23 DAYS!!
How to Avoid a Photoshop Disaster
7 years ago
Don't apologize for being drama free love bug. Be happy. We can't make 'the' announcement until August... I have drama seeping from my pours and have to be all hush hush... making me nuts. :)
Have fun visiting with family!!!
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